Getting dinner on the table can be stressful! Find strategies that work for you. Give yourself grace. Ask for help when you need it. Every step you take toward creating a more balanced diet, reducing food waste, saving money, or reducing stress is progress in the right direction.
The Power of Anxiety
“I have got to get my anxiety under control!” I often hear this from people at trainings and in my private practice. We have a lot of things in common, episodic anxiety is one of them. And that’s not all bad! When we think back to Caveman days, anxiety was motivational. For example, it can […]
Fun Ways to Stay Physically Active
Staying physically active is key to our health, but finding the time in our busy lives can be a challenge. The good news is, we can sneak in physical activity throughout our day, even while tackling chores! In this video *from the Move Your Way® Campaign, they share creative and fun ways to incorporate physical […]