When saving money feels so hard, it is often because spending is so easy to do! Spending money is usually an obligation to pay bills. Some of our spending is because we like new items or prefer convenience over time (eating out rather than cooking). Level of income, feelings, and how we were raised often […]
The Power of Grief
I’ve heard there are 3 certainties in life: death, taxes, and change. We will all experience each in our lives and while that is universal, it will impact each of us differently based on our own experiences, perceptions, coping skills and supports. It’s important to know grief is not just the result of a death, […]
The Power of Emotional Language
We often hear adults telling children, “Use your words…” or “Just tell me how you feel!” True, children don’t always have a very expansive vocabulary (especially about emotions) but the reality is adults could improve their emotional language, as well! Feelings have a bad reputation of getting out of control and ruling us. But emotions […]